Blue Bliss, also known as Borax Molly, pink Stars, or NeXTC, is a combination of various substances to try to “replicate the MDMA experience with less neurotoxicity using unscheduled compounds” as suggested in a Reddit post. There is now an entire subreddit based on his original post. It is a popular recreational substance that belongs to the class of synthetic cathinones. After a lot of years in the lab, it seems to be that the ultimate mixture is the Phenethylamines 5-MAPB + 2-FMA + the tryptamine 5-MeO-MiPT. These pellets are known for their vibrant blue color and are often used for their euphoric and stimulant effects.
Many researchers believe this combination to be less neurotoxic and longer lasting than MDMA, with a much gentler post-research experience, while still exhibiting all the classic stimulative, euphoric, empathogenic and slightly psychedelic effects.
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